Saturday, May 10, 2008


This has probably been by far the most stressful week of my college career because of school and other shtuff. This is really my first time all week to sit down and process through everything. But weeks like this continue to increase my trust in Jesus -- He is ALWAYS faithful. When I think that everything is crashing down around me and when I just want to give up, He meets me. Whether that comes in the form of Scriputre, a song, or another person, every single time, He saves me.
I'm reading John, right now, and I think that it might be really high on the list of favorite books of the Bible (Is it even right to have favorites, though? haha). John chapter 4:1-45 is incredible. It's the story of the Samaritan woman at the well... I would summarize it, but it would literally take 5 minutes for you to read and would be wayyyy better than my summarization, so please go read it. :) Anyway, verse 42 just struck me, "They said to the woman, 'It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard ourselves, and we no that indeed this is the Savior of the world.'" Now, I'm not a person to get goosebumps very often, but this verse gave them to me! It's incredible. We can't take any credit. Jesus tells us to share the Gospel, so we do, but it is only He that can make them truly believe. I don't know... does this hit anyone else like it's hitting me? I feel like I can't even begin to descibe it.

Moral of the story: Read John. :)


meg said...

oh emily i cannnnnnnnot wait to see you in just over a week. i love you. i am praying for you and i am exicted to see God give you amazing strength and energy this week :)

diana said...

the word became flesh!

boxen at 8am