Thursday, March 13, 2008


God's grace amazes me. I'm having a hard time expanding on that because that sentence really says it all. I can't even begin to describe my debt to Him for all that He has given me. I get to have a relationship with the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE. That is so ridiculous!
And yet, I take advantage of it all the time. I don't give the same grace to other people. I don't love my neighbor as myself. I'm so so selfish, and I think about myself and my feelings way too much. How much better off would I be if I put others first! I don't deserve God's love, not in the least, but He STILL gives it to me. I screw up ALL the time and he forgives me every single time. But I don't do that to others. And I need to. And the only way it's gonna happen is if I'm serious in praying for it and seeking it. It's gonna be tough. I'm not looking forward to the lessons that I know I'm going to have to learn. But I'm going to come out of it more Christ-like, and that's all that really matters, right?
An amazing and awesome friend of mine wrote a song and part of it goes:
I'm so sick of my glory
Show me Your love that I've been missing
While I've been sitting here
Thinking of myself
I don't want to take advantage of Your sacrifice
That hits home.


meg said...

i'm learning SO much about grace too... it's so cool. i wish i had total grasp on it... but that's what makes this crazy adventure an adventure!

Anonymous said...

Grace is a beautiful and so undeserved thing.

Blake said...

the hardest thing to swallow, because we feel we have to earn.

it just might be the most beautiful thing about God and His gospel. (if I had to focus on just one thing, it would be this)