I got to be an Aunt x2. (My nephews are the cutest and the best. Don't even try to argue otherwise.)
I wrestled with, and am still wrestling with, some big questions related to God, the world, and my place here. But Jesus is always faithful and I hope and pray that I come out of this closer to Him than where I started.
I've learned a lot. I made some pretty big mistakes but learned from each one.
I've gotten to know some people that have forever changed my life. Especially a few people who look at the world completely different than I do and have challenged me in a lot of ways.
I have allowed my heart to heal from some things that happened in the past and it has been a painful process, but the good kind of pain - the kind of pain that you know is getting you somewhere. I'm still in some of that, but it's worth it.
(Nerd moment: I've been re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia and in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader when Aslan helps Eustace stop being a dragon and become a human again and tears his skin away... that's what I feel like has been happening.)
In this next year, I will graduate from K-State. That part of my life will be over. And that is CRAZY to me. I probably won't ever be in Manhattan again for more than a couple days. There will be people that I never see again. But more importantly, there will be people that I stay in touch with and continue to go through life with.
I'll start working, hopefully at the Wyandot Center again and figure out where I want to go to graduate school and what exactly I want to do.
I'm excited.
One last thought that has been impacting me a lot:
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